Ahmed Abdelrasol

Legal Associate

Ahmed Abdelrasol joined El Sherif Foundation as an Associate in Corporate and Capital Market Department since 2020. His exceptional performance led to a well-deserved promotion to Senior Associate in 2022. With a wealth of knowledge on commercial, investment, and companies’ laws, capital market law, and general corporate matters, Abdelrasol is the go-to advisor for clients seeking unparalleled legal guidance.

Prior to his tenure with El Sherif Foundation Law Firm, Mr. Abdelrasol carries an impressive professional background, having lent his legal expertise to a myriad of highly respected Law Firms across Egypt.

Mr. Abdelrasol is an accomplished legal expert with a strong academic background. He earned his LL.B. from Ain Shams University’s English Department in 2017, followed by his Masters from the same institution.

With six years of experience under his belt, Mr. Abdelrasol’s expertise spans across an array of legal transactions—from Mergers and Acquisitions to Capital Market and General Corporate/Commercial matters. A master at drafting and reviewing bilingual contracts and agreements across several legal fields, Mr. Abdelrasol proves to be an invaluable asset to any legal team.

Mr. Abdelrasol is a member of the Egyptian Bar Association, showcasing his dedication and expertise in the field.